Fast EM/IR analysis and verification for top-hierarchy power and signal nets
PrimeX enhances traditional EM/IR approaches by enabling engineers to perform a fast and early power grid and signal net analysis and verification, including top-hierarchy designs. With simple setup, engineers analyze and optimize both the block and top levels. Results identifying weaknesses and bottlenecks are shown by layer and polygon over the layout.
Performing simulations on very large power nets using existing tools has become impractical. PrimeX addresses this increasing challenge by enabling full characterization of a top-level power net to be performed in hours, vs. the several weeks required by traditional EM/IR tools.
PrimeX accurately validates key electrical targets at the top level of integration, allowing engineers to identify design and layout improvements in a fast iteration cycle.
It is becoming the top-level sign-off methodology of choice by industry leaders.
The PrimeX toolkit is integrated with easy-to-interpret visualization, and offers a comprehensive set of analyses, including:
- Full-chip power grid verification, optimization & debugging on extracted netlists
- Top-level integration and routing analysis utilizing design intent and hierarchy information
- Resistive coupling between blocks
- EM violations and IR drop characteristics
- Efficiency and robustness of multiple pads/ports on power nets
Please contact us to learn more or to arrange for a PrimeX demonstration.